Generate or Add Robots.txt File on Your Blog or Website

Generate Custom Robots.txt File 

 Enter Your Website URL with {https://}

  Add Custom Robots.txt on Blogger  

Follow the steps for adding the file in your Blogger. 

  • Back to your Blogger.
  • Navigate to [ Settings >> Search Preference >>  Crawlers and Indexing >> Custom Robots.txt >> Edit " Paste the Generated Robots.txt in The Box " >> Click on 'Yes' ].
  • Check manually your URL last time then Click on 'Save Button'.
For Making It easier, we Adding Navigate images below,

Generate or Add Robots.txt File on Your Blog or Website

Now You Have Done, Robots.Txt file Added In You Blog. on Others website platforms find costume robots.txt on your setting and edit them.

  How To Check Your Robots.txt?  

After the Checking or saving all settings, You can check your roborts.txt file just adding [ /robots.txt ] Ending of your website Url.


Generate or Add Robots.txt File on Your Blog or Website

About Robots.txt 

That's the Part of Blogger SEO, They Deindexed or stop unimportant pages of your blogs to effect on search ranking like your blogs search pages, archive pages, they make bad URLs on blogs that way they were stopped by roborts.txt.

That's Mean they are an important part of your blog or for your page SEO. so don't be miss that.

Article Written By Pawan Negi

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