Create 'Privacy Policy' or 'Terms And Service' Pages For Website

Create 'Privacy Policy' or 'Terms And Service' Pages For Blog or Website 

 Enter Your Website URL

Enter Your Email

 How To Put Those Pages on Blogs or Website. 

For making it easier, we do it Step by Step,
  • Copy the created 'Privacy Policy' or 'Terms and Service' pages.
  • Back to your Blogger page.
  • Click on pages and Add a new one.
  • Make a title ex: ''Privacy Policy' and paste the copied Text ' created privacy policy '.
  • Again add a new page.
  • Make a title ex: 'Terms and Service'  and paste the copied text ' created terms and service'.

Now you have done. for extra we adding navigate image below, follow the highlighted areas.

I hope you will do it successfully, if you finding or wants to add 'Disclaimer' page, so you don't need it, because as you seen in 'Privacy Policy' or 'Terms or Services' pages, we already included that, that's mean you don't need to add another extra 'Disclaimer' page.

 How To Place Pages on NavBar or Footer. 

That's the easy thing, I think you know. but if you are a beginner so that's a point you want it to note it down " if you want to place anything ex: images, scripts or codes, blogger or website gadgets etc. on your Website ( sidebar, footer, Navbar, Main pages, header; ). so looks on the layout, you got all the things on the layout. that's the point you want to focus if you are beginners.

'Place Pages on NavBar or Footer' Let's Do it Step By Step.

  • navigate to Layout >> Looks on Footer >> Add New Gadget 'Pages' >>  Select the pages, you want to add >> And Click on Save Button.
That's the same process you can do with NavBar. 
I hope after that you know how to place pages or other things on Navbar or Footer, you can see in images how they look like.

Article Written By Pawan Negi 

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