Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

Promote Your Facebook Page

Facebook Provide you best platform "Ads Manager" for promoting your facebook pages or post at the cheapest price. only you need some changes on ads manager setting after that you able to get maximum likes on your pages or post at the cheapest price.

Don't be ever clicked on Boost or Promote buttons, shows below in facebook post or page. Use Facebook Ads manager for promoting something on facebook.

Create Facebook Camping For Getting Maximum likes.

we will create the camping step by step, so just follow the steps or we are adding some navigate images for making it more easier for you.

  • Visit on Facebook Ads Manager and log in with your Facebook Account.

  • Now create a New Camping, we create for getting likes on pages so clicks on  Engagement and Page Likes as you can be seen in navigate image below. after that clicked on continue.
Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

  • PAGE: Select the page where you want to get likes.

  • Audience: Create a new one with the best settings.  On the location add  Low PPC 'Pay Par Clicks' Country just like Albania, Argentina, Bangladesh and etc. We give you all Low PPC Country list below just copy and paste it on location. for Another audience setting follow navigate image.

Albania, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Venezuela,

Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

  • Placements: I Also recommended you select the Automatic placements its help you to reach more people on the web. but if you want to show your ads any specific platforms so you can choose them by clicking Edit Placements.
Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

  • Budget & Schedule: Follow the navigate image below for budget & schedule setting. set the Daily budget  ₹1000.00  don't worry its cant be spent your all money it's just for reaching more people and set  ₹0.20  lowest cost per click.

Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

  • Create Ad: Use an attractive and responsive image on the ads, that makes much more chances to get clicks on likes button and don't use 'like my page' type text on the ad it's decreasing your ad Reach or Engagement. on the text, explain about your page content or the post image.
Get Facebook Page Or Post Likes At The Cheapest Price Rs.10-200 Likes

Your Ads PPC "Pay Par Click" depended on how much older your campaign, so it will take some time to gets higher clicks on at the cheapest price. approximately 5-6 Day.

Article Written By Pawan Negi 

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